What is done in the dark is about going the distance when no one is looking. So what does that even mean?  It means that a person who will actually try harder when no one is watching. I never truly understood the impact this topic has until I experienced it myself, but I preached it for years. This is a must-have rule to live by if success is what you are after. When it is implemented correctly, success is the only outcome. 

So how does this relate to sports? Sure, you put in the hours during the day and probably at practice, but that only allows you to be just as good as the next person who is training right beside you. The question that needs to be asked is…what will separate me from my competition? How will I make it to the next level? What does that mean to me? Why do I actually want to succeed in a sport?

Sure these questions are simple but are they easy to answer? For some of you, that is a big fat YES, they are confident that what they want to do is work out and get paid to play a sport they love it is their only focus. That is the group I would like to address today.

Below are the next steps to make this all a reality in your life, let’s go over them.

1. Start Small

Change one daily habit a week that would make a difference. It could be as small drinking more water, eating healthier, getting more rest or doing more cardio but whatever you decide to change, make it consistent. Do it every day.

2. Be Consistent

As I stated above whatever change to decide to make, do it every day, and at the same time every day. Force yourself to do it until it is not even thought of as a task anymore. Make it a part of your daily routine just like brushing your teeth. DO NOT let your mind tell you, “Oh, I only missed one it’s not a big deal.” Every workout means something no matter how bad it was. Always have that resonating in the back of your mind.

3. Do the work

A hard worker beats talent any day, especially when talent doesn’t work hard. Hard work is just that, hard work, nothing can replace it. Where ever you are, work harder than anyone else. First; it looks useful to coaches, it makes you feel better about your abilities and people will follow you. Leaders are always the hardest workers in the room they come early and stay late.

These are three simple steps that can be taken to ensure your own destiny. There are no excuses that can be used, make the changes necessary that works YOU toward YOUR goal. It is NOT easy, but when the goal is reached, whatever it is, it will be so worth it. Be the best and grind hard! Please select a valid form